Thank you to all our donors and contributors who made Sweet Sounds possible!
As of December 1, 2020
​Anonymous (6)
Bronte and David Abraham
Amy Abramovitz
Debbie Levenson and Steve Adelman
Adelson Family Foundation
Elisa Deener-Agus and Michael Agus
Roberta Isberg and Seth Alper
Eileen Hagerty and Rabbi Thomas Alpert
Amazonsmile Foundation
Analog Devices Foundation
Irma and Seymour Andrus
Susan and Joel Appelbaum
Yafa and Eytan Arkin
Pam and David Auerbach
Dasha Baker
Zach Barr
Irina and Mark Barrocas
The Beker Foundation
Carrie Benedon
Lucy Goodhart and Gordon Bennett
Sandra and David Bergman
Batzion and William Berman
Hana and Peter Berman
Regina Roman and George Berman
Ruth Nemzoff and Harris Berman
Arlene Bernstein
Rabbi Allison Berry
Michal and Barry Bessler
Jennifer and Erik Bittner
Steven Blacher
Michelle and Darren Black
Debbie and Mark Blechner
Julia Greenstein and Paul Bleicher
Elana and Aaron Block
Linda and David Blocker
Sally Bock and Rabbi Ira Korinow
Amy and Joshua Boger
Joyce and Michael Bohnen
Robert L. and Joan Bramson Foundation
Susan and Leo Breitman
Brezniak Funeral Directors
Barbara Lapidas-Brown and Larry Brown
Betty Brudnick
Rebecca and Glenn Burack
Lynda and Jeffrey Bussgang
Nancy Kriegel and Andrew Butler
James J. Calmas
Joanne Camann
Wendy and Edmund Case
Rachel and Larry Chafetz
Rabbi Laura Abrasley and Julie Childers*
Louise Citron
Alexandra and Brian Cohen
Jane Taubenfeld Cohen and David Cohen
Shoshana Cohen
Marla Colarusso
Cara Coller
Combined Jewish Philanthropies
Congregation Shaarei Tefillah
Elizabeth and Kevin Connolly
Amy Abramowitz and Ethan Corey
Janis Fox and Richard Corn
Beth Crastnopol and Jeff Cotton
Kathy and Lino Covarrubias
Leslie and Alan Crane
Dorit Harverd and Richard Dale
Danielle and Gregg Darish*
Judge Michael and Nili Davis
Meira Davis
Tamar Davis and Allan Galper
Allyson and Edward DeNoble and Family
Sarah DeWoskin
Bryce Diamond
Suzanne and David Diamond
Marcus Dodyk*
Marlene and Harry Dodyk
Mady and Bruce Donoff
Erika and Daniel Drezner
Ruth and Barry Ehrlich
Terri and Sol Eisenberg
Debbie and Hershel Ellenbogen and Family
Trudy and Lester Fagen
Wendy B. Fain
Nancy Falchuk
Joni and Rodney Falk
Michal and Andy Fandel
Karen and David Farbman
Marlene Farbman
Ruth and Gene Fax
Rena Gray Fein and Robert Fein
Betsy Feldman
Roger Feldman
Cheryl and Gary Fertig
Cynthia and Arthur Fertman
Barbara and Robert Fierman
Rachel and David Fine
Peggy and David Fineman
Sharlene and Dr. Richard Finkel
Michelle S. Alkon and Dr. Mark Finkelstein*
Esther and Sergio Finkielsztein
Renée and Steven Finn
Mickey and Ron Fleischman
Helen Tager and Martin Flusberg
Deborah and Jonathan Forman
Cheri Fox
Sheryl and Bill Adler
Lori Kahn and Arnie Freedman
Ruth and Donald Freedman
Susan Freedman
Brenda and Harvey Freishtat
Erica and Ethan Freishtat*
Linda and Michael Frieze
Rosalind Frim
Linda and Dr. Jonas Galper
Shira and David Galper
Zelda and Elkan Gamzu
Heather and David Ganitsky
Michelle and Steven Garfinkel
Lori Geisinger and Jeff Aron
Laurie and Paul Gershkowitz*
Risa and Zev Gewurz
Pat and Alfred Girard
Carrie Fuchs and Gary Girzon
Deborah Glass
Sheila Pallay and Herbert Glickman
Rhonda and Steven Glyman
Alanna Gold
Carol Gerwin and Michael Goldberg
Josette and Louis Goldish
Janet Yassen and Irle Goldman
Sharon and David Goldstein
Estelle and Guy Gomolka
Ruth and Richard Gomolka
Dr. Lori Lefkovitz and Rabbi Leonard Gordon
Sally Gordon
Janet and Mark Gottesman
Paula and James Gould
Marion and Lawrence Green
Rebecca and Alan Green
Marla Choslovsky and Paul Greenberg
Sydney and Tal Gross
Barbara and Steven Grossman
Dara and David Grossman*
Elizabeth and Jacob Grossman
Jill and Jeremy Grossman
Louis Grossman
Rebecca and Benjamin Grossman
Susan Grossman
Sheryl Brettschneider and Steven Gruber
Danielle and Michael Hackel
Susan and Eric Hailman
Phyllis and Michael (z"l) Hammer Fund
Sharon and Michael Haselkorn
Amy and David Hearne
Betsy Hecker and John Barter
Arline and Lawrence Heimlich
Lynne Heller
Marcia Herrmann and Jeffrey Herrmann
The Herzlinger Family
Lisa and Matthew Hills*
Randy Gollub and Jon Hirschtick
Edie Goldman and Mort Hoffman
Eva and Melvin Hoffman
Shira Horowitz and Maurice Karpman
Elisha and Dov Huff
Jacqueline Finard-Hughes & Robert Hughes*
The Indianer-Quadrini Family
Ruth Rose-Jacobs and Jerry Jacobs
Susan and Frederic Jacobs
Ronda and Joshua Jacobson
Dahlia Rudavsky and Robert Jampol
Diane and Robert Jaye
Josh Jick
Dr. Lisa Fishbayn Joffe and Jonathan Joffe
Elissa and Jason Kaplan
Rebecca and Robert Kaplan
Joy Karol
Jodi Wenger and Stuart Karon
Amy and Naty Katz
Sharon Rosen Katz and Marshall Katz
Amelia and Josh Katzen
Carole Kaufman
Joanne and Stanley Kay
Nadine Evans and Rafi Kieval
Beth S. and Seth A. Klarman
The Klarman Family Foundation
Abbe and Daniel Klein
Roger Klein and Rachel Coben Family Fund
Esther Fine Kletter
Janis Knight
Carla and Alexis Kopikis*
Rachel and Bryan Koplow
Drs. Ellen and Ernest Kornmehl
Maureen Connelly and Jeffrey Krane
Rebecca Krane
Yonina Langer
Lynda Fink and Maury Lederman
Shannon Floyd and Daniel Leibholz
Lori and Frederic Leif
Marcia and Alan Leifer
Nancy and Sid Lejfer
Cheryl and Yakir Levin
Justine Levin-Allerhand and Paul Allerhand
Judy Levin-Charns and Martin Charns*
Adina Kling and Judah Levine
Emily Beck and Jon Levisohn
Sybil and Dr. Steven Levisohn
Judy and Dr. Mayer Levitt
Marni Smilow Levitt, Jonathan Levitt & Family
Rachel A. Levy
Steven Lewis
Fran and Rabbi Daniel Liben
Aliza Libman
Linda and William Lichtman
Jessica and Ron Liebowitz
Margaret Ross Link and David Link
Janice and Richard Lipof
Stephanie and Yair Listokin
Naomi and Carl Lopkin
Valerie and Arnold Lowenstein
Naomi Lown
Walter Lyons
Audrey Madera
Allison and Elliot Mael
Margie Maidman
Susan Nitkin and Jeffrey Marcus
Allison and Andrew Margolies
Scott Mattoon
Harriet and Dr. Cyril Mazansky
Sasha and Geoff Meyerson
Claudia Michaels-Brodsky and David Brodsky
Microsoft Corporation
Sandy and Harold Miller-Jacobs
Avi Minder
Daniel and Stephanie Mishkin
Jeanette Kruger and Betty Morningstar
Susan Morrel
Myra Musicant and Howard Cohen
Jessica and Chuck Myers
Robert Bargar and Elinor Nelson
Barbara Neufeld
Evelyn and John Neumeyer
Poly and Eli Neusner
New England Chapter of P'Tach
Miriam Newman and Michael Pinnolis
Rose and Bruce Newman
Joanne and Eliahu Niewood
Marcela and Paul Noonan
Rabbi Suzanne and Andrew Offit
Laura and Matthew Olton
Deborah Platek and Martin Oppenheimer*
Effie and Gary Orren
Gail and Mark Palmer
Barbara and Barrie Paster
Judy Meyers and Mark Pasternack
Professor Martin Patt
Nancy and Larry Perkins
Lesley and Robert Perlman
Sandra and Donald Perrin and Family
Rebecca Redner and Joshua Pinnolis
Linda and Kenneth Polivy
Brenda and Ethan Pollack
Marion and David Pollock
Barbara Posnick and Carl Mikkelsen*
Arlene and Kurt Pressman
Suzanne Priebatsch
Inbal and Zori Rabinovitz
Lonye and Stephen Rasch
Dena and Michael Rashes
Sidney Redner
Arlene and Sanford Remz
Jonah Remz
Saundra and Jason Rice
Diane and Martin Richler
Shellee Robbins and Don Steinbrecher
Shuli and Avi Rockoff
Howard Rosenfeld
Judy and David Rosenthal
Benja Rosenzweig
Lauri Union and Stanley Rosenzweig
Itia and Menachem Roth*
Judith Roth
Shirley Rubinstein
Ruderman Family Foundation
Teri Swartz Russell and David Russell
Barbara and Jerry Rutberg
S&Z Properties, LLC
Chris and Pito Salas
Rabbi Ma'ayan and Rick Sands
Lori Barnet and Jeffrey Savit
Barbara and Walter Schmider
Yoni Schor
Roy S. Schreiber & Co.
Barbara and Andrew Schultz*
Heather and William Schultz
Joyce and Stephen Schultz
Lynda and Jay Schwartz
Sue and Bill Schweber
Rachel and Adam Scott
Linda and Stuart Seidman
Samantha Shepherd
Harriet and Stuart Sherman
Leslie and Alan Sherman
Mary Ann McDonough and Lester Shoap
Linda and Ira Shoolman
Adina and Ari Shrage
Ellie and Barry Shrage*
Danya Handelsman and Jed Shugerman
Carol and Martin Shulman
Cynthia B. Shulman
Debbie and Jason Silverman
Gloria and Gordon Silverman
Judith Simansky
The Simansky Family*
Deborah Simkin and Sam Aron
Netanya Simon
Carol and Daniel Singer Bricklin
Karen and Steven Sisselman
Jennifer Slifka and Louis Vidal*
Rosalyn and Richard Slifka
Toby Sloane
Marsha Slotnick
Reena and Saul Slovin
Sharon and Jerome Smith
Ilana Snapstailer
Betsy and Martin Solomon
Paula Sommer
Dr. Judith Feldman and Dr. Norman Spack
Ruth Spack
Mira and Robert Spiegel
Onir and Jeffrey Spiegel
Sherry Grossman and Allen Spivack
Benjamin Spunt
Linda and Bruce Stanger
Deborah and David Stanhill
Sharon and David Steinberg
Linda Sternberg*
Naomi and Jeffrey Stonberg
Shira and Nathaniel Strosberg
Barry Sugarman
Emma Sullaway
Gail Schulman and Robert Sullaway
Temple Aliyah
Temple Beth Zion
Temple Isaiah Sisterhood
Suzanne and Herbert Tobin
Roz Garber Toledano and Allan Toledano
Faye Tonkonogy
Ruth and Nahum Vishniavsky
Dana Volman
Chana Wallach
Lisa and Neil Wallack
Jackie and David Waller
Sheila and David Waxman
Beverly and Benjamin Weiner
Robbie Singal, Jonathan Weintroub & Family
Fiona Mudge-Weisman and Evan Weisman
Laurie Alpert and Barry Weiss
Stephanie Gertz and Cantor Steven Weiss
Cindy Kaplan and Marc Weisskopf*
Ralph Wertheimer
Allen Whitestone
Arnee R. and Walter A. Winshall
Kenny Wintman
Deborah and David Wolf
Candice and Howard Wolk
Deanna and Sidney Wolk
Marla and Jeffrey Wolk
Dina and Matthew Wosk
Yachad New England
Judith and Albert Zabin
Norma and Arnold Zack
Joyce Zakim and Peter Greenspan
Lorel and Arnie Zar-Kessler
Sarah Clark and Micah Zimring
Michelle and Matthew Zisow
Judith and Paul Zorfass
*Gateways Trustee
Please excuse any typographical errors and omissions. Please email development@jgateways.org with any corrections.
Thank you for your support!
Thank you to our staff!
Tamar Davis, Chief Executive Officer
Deirdre Munley, Chief Operating Officer
David Farbman, Senior Director of Education
Harry Abrahams, Director of Development
Sandy Gold, Director of Jewish Education Programs
Sharon Goldstein, Director of Day School Programs
Greg White, Director of Finance
Natanya Auerbach, Development Associate
Zachary Barr, Tutor
Jaimie Ballon, Learning Specialist
Stephen Bober, Coach
Marla Colarusso, Coach
Miriam Diamond, Coach
Marlene Dodyk, Coach
Naomi Dreyer, Teacher
Miriam Fein, Learning Specialist
Amy Freedman, Speech-Language Pathologist
Jennifer Friedberg, Speech-Language Pathologist
Ilene Greenwald, Occupational Therapist
Sherry Grossman, Senior Coach
Maxine Haron, Occupational Therapist
Mia Hyman, Educational and Behavioral Specialist
Sarah Kerstein, Coach
Debbie Krasnow, Coach
Pat Lukens, Coach
Margie Maidman, Learning Specialist
Elianna Mentzer, Communications Assistant
Susan Morrel, Coach
Michal Pullman, Student Services Financial Administrator
Rebecca Redner, Educational Specialist
Jodi Saltzman, Speech-Language Pathologist
Sue Schweber, Day School Program Consultant
Rachel Sommer, Administrative Coordinator